Poet Paul

Hi Everyone,

Myself, my family and my friends are all very excited about the imminent publication of my book ‘Epitaph for Brezhnev’. We are all extremely excited as we approach March 31st.

I have been busy this last couple of weeks, contacting family and friends in both Australia and the USA, as outlets in both those countries, as well as New Zealand; I have no contacts in New Zealand, alas.

I was really delighted to receive my allocation of books last week and it was brilliant to finally see what I had only previously recognised and read as a manuscript. It looks really good in print.

We have been busy on social media, Facebook and Twitter. I a @poet_paul3 on Twitter.

It will be great to see the book on the shelves in the major outlets. I am delighted it has been published in time for the Easter exodus at the airports, where hopefully we can sell a few copies.

Many people I know have already pre-ordered the book from Amazon. I was amused to see another online outlet called The World Book Depository, as another of my keen interests is the Kennedy assassination.

As well as ‘Epitaph for Brezhnev’, I have two other books finished… ‘Anthony’s Song’ and ‘The Tyler Hastings Files’. I am working on a fourth, entitled ‘The Robespierres of Christendom’.

I hope you enjoy ‘Epitaph for Brezhnev’.



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